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NanoCooling Products
Nanotherapeutics CTS (Controlled Temperature Solutions)
medical devices are simple, safe and a more effective means to
manage pain, swelling and discomfort associated with post-surgical healing, non-surgical procedures and musculoskeletal injury. Nanotherapeutics’ wearable science allows the patient to wear any of these devices continually to accelerate return to function of the joint or affected area without fear of any negative response.
What are the benefits of using Nanotherapeutics CTS?Nanotherapeutics CTS medical devices are a simple, safe and an effective means to manage pain, swelling and discomfort associated with sports injuries, post-surgical and non-surgical therapeutic return-to-function. All of our devices offer you the freedom to be mobile for increased circulation and range of motion (ROM) while recuperating. You can wear any of our devices continually, without interruption, to accelerate your body’s recovery without fear of any negative response.
Why would I use Nanotherapeutics CTS instead of ice- or gel-based products?When charged, the engineered science in Nanotherapeutics CTS will remain at the preferred temperature for optimum healing, as opposed to ice, gel and ice-based circulative devices which are much too cold for safe and effective use. In fact, ice and gel can be so cold that when used for more than 20 minutes, or in direct contact with the skin, can result in frostbite, non-freezing cold tissue or nerve damage. Several recent studies* report a better modality for faster healing in the mid 50°s F, such as in our Nanotherapeutics CTS devices, are significantly more effective than ice or gel at reducing swelling as they will not constrict superficial capillary blood flow which is critical for healing as ice and gel often do. Our devices deliver all of the healing benefits without any of the potential drawbacks of ice or gel.
How do Nanotherapeutics CTS Devices work?The self-regulating, pre-programmed molecules in Nanotherapeutic CTS are scientifically engineered to act the opposite of “cold” ice and gel by pulling heat away from the body. Their harmonious temperature is well-tolerated by the body which allows them to only absorb heat at the rate needed to reach and maintain the optimal therapeutic temperature for prolonged use. The extremely cold temperatures that ice or gel deliver incites a thermal ping-pong effect as they are applied, removed and then re-applied as outlined in the historical RICE* method. It should be understood, however, that the reason RICE is used is not that it is the best cold therapy method, but rather it was the only safe way to provide cold therapy with ice or gels when they were the only portable source of cold temperature for therapy or recuperation. *RICE = rest, ice, compression and elevation
Are there other benefits to using Nanotherapeutics CTS?Ease of Use – Nanotherapeutics CTS products may be charged/recharged in a standard refrigerator, usually less than 30 minutes. Charging in a freezer is slightly faster. Simple elastic and Velcro hook straps are easily applied and removed by the patient. Safe Materials – The contact surface of the cooling cells in Nanotherapeutics are latex free and contain an antimicrobial agent to repel bacteria. Hygienic – The smooth interior surface of Nanotherapeutics can safely be placed in direct contact with the skin as its grime resistant finish can be cleaned easily with standard disinfectants. Form Fitting – Each Nanotherapeutics CTS device is anatomically designed to conform to the contours of the body and extremities. Unlimited Recharges for the Life of the Product – There are no disposable inserts or chemical reactions in Nanotherapeutics CTS devices. Nanotherapeutics can be used an unlimited number of times. Extended Treatment Times – Because Nanotherapeutics is engineered to deliver the the best temperature for truly safe cold therapy, there is never a need to stop treatment at 10-20 minutes, the standard for ice and gel. Unsupervised Treatment – With no time limit for this new modality, it is not necessary to monitor a patient’s therapy. Liability Protection – Injuries caused by ice, gel, and circulating ice-water products used under the guidance of medical professionals have become so common that a growing number of law firms in the United States now specialize in cold-therapy malpractice litigation. Nanotherapeutics’ molecular composition is engineered to maintain the optimum, self-regulating temperature for optimum healing, making it impossible to cause this type of injury.
Who benefits from using Nanotherapeutics CTS?The Patient benefits from the use of optimal temperature therapy resulting in accelerated healing Optimum temperature therapy provides longer operating time for effective precooling with no risks of frostbite, or overcooled tissue damage Simple and easy use by the patient allows safe unsupervised treatment outside of the structured clinical environment further encouraging patient compliance with therapy and return to function Safe and hygienic – completely safe for prolonged direct skin contact with no latex or allergenic components and is easily cleaned with standard disinfectants Anatomically correct form-fitting design specifically targets the affected area throughout the entire treatment period The Clinician benefits from better treatment by utilizing Nanotherapeutic CTS: Simple, easy and time-saving devices for use with patients which do not possess the frostbite and cold injury risks associated with ice/gel products. Use as pre- and post-surgical to manage swelling, pain and discomfort Pre-cooling prior to the injection of Synvisc or Hyalgan, for the specified modalities, facilitates pain management at the injection site Provides effective pain management throughout the treatment period, including but not limited to neuropathy and non-neuromuscular pain management for increased comfort. Safely allows limited treatment supervision which encourages increased patient compliance and provides the potential for greater healing success without the potential for frostbite or cold injury. The Practice benefits from promoting Nanotherapeutic CTS products: Allows the easier use of treatment programs to increase the success ratio of patients throughout their rehabilitation. Successfully treated patients provide referrals to increase business resulting in increased profitability for the clinic. Completely eliminates any liability issues associated with frostbite or cold therapy injury from the use of outmoded ice/gel treatments. Offers an opportunity for DOP to insure your clients are being treated with the best available technology today.
How do I prepare ("charge") my NanoCooling Device?"The therapeutic cooling side repels bacteria, is non-toxic and latex-free. For best results, keep the skin clean of creams and oils during use. Prior to use: Place the therapeutic device in the freezer or refrigerator with clear side up. Do not stack. Cool ≈30 minutes prior to use. Re-cool as needed for continued comfort. When white and firm to fingertip touch, the Nanotherapeutics CTS device is ready. Place the clear side against your skin, or clothing.
How do I clean my NanoCooling Device?Hand wash with mild soap and water. Always air dry.
Are the NanoCooling Devices environmentally friendly?The main components of our devices are recyclable, eco-friendly and will not harm the environment. They carry no D.O.T. hazards and are not restricted from global transport.
Is the NanoCooling Device cold enough?Several recent studies report a better modality for faster healing in the mid 50°s F, such as in our Nanotherapeutic CTS devices, are more effective than ice or gel at reducing swelling as they will not constrict superficial capillary blood flow which is critical for healing as ice and gel often do. Nanotherapeutics CTS devices deliver all of the healing benefits without any of the potential drawbacks of ice or gel. When charged, the engineered science in Nanotherapeutics CTS will remain at the preferred temperature for optimum healing, as opposed to ice, gel and ice-based circulative devices which are much too cold for safe and effective use. In fact, ice and gel can be so cold that when used for more than 20 minutes, or in direct contact with the skin, can result in frostbite, non-freezing cold tissue or nerve damage. It is also known that temperatures that were too cold (e.g. ice and gels) can also be the cause of pain.* *The effect of cryotherapy on intraarticular temperature and postoperative care after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction; Ohkoshi Y, Ohkoshi M, Nagasaki S, Ono A, Hashimoto T, Yamane S; The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 27, No. 3; pp. 357-362.
How does cold therapy work?There are numerous ways to manage pain, especially throughout physical therapy and/or rehabilitation from surgery or injuries. Cryotherapy/Cold therapy is widely used post operatively or during/after physical therapy. Application of cold can penetrate up to a depth of 4 cm below the skin and affects tissue metabolism by decreasing enzymatic function and producing localized vasoconstriction. This reduction in blood flow decreases the local inflammatory response and swelling. Reduction in pain from localized cooling is produced by the slowing or elimination of pain signal transmission. Furthermore, cold inhibits the stretch reflex and reduces muscle spasm.
How do you keep the NanoCooling Device contamination free in hospital or at home?Many hospital rooms provide a small refrigerator/freezer to store the devices. If this is not the case, the nurse’s station has adequate refrigeration capabilities to store and charge these devices. Each patient receives two devices – one is being worn while the other is being charged. Each device is supplied clean in its own polybag. Prior to charging your device(s), it is wiped down with mild soap and water and placed in a clear plastic bag. When ready to use, the patient’s name is written on the device(s) as well as its clear storage bag. This procedure controls any cross contamination. If the therapeutic device is punctured or damaged, discard immediately. Wash area with mild soap and warm water.
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